Monday, February 22, 2016

World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day

What is it?

Every year World Read Aloud Day calls global attention to the importance of reading aloud and sharing stories.  This year World Read Aloud Day is on Wednesday, February 24th. 

How Does Steward School Participate?

The amazing Mrs. Klipfel organized Skype visits with various authors for each grade level.  Thank you, Mrs. Klipfel, for putting together such a wonderful experience to tie in all that World Read Aloud Day is about.  Also, thank you to our World Read Aloud Day authors for taking the time to Skype with us and share your love of books with our students!

Meet the Authors!

Wednesday Feb. 24th

10:30-10:45 Grade 1 Michelle Edwards

11:30-12:00 Grade 3 Lauren Magaziner

12:30-12:50 Grade K Sue Fliess

Friday Feb. 26
11:30-11:50 Grade 2 Katy Duffield


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Directors in the making!

     As a result of our December book club, two amazing Proctor readers showed interest in extending our discussions and activities. There have been rumors (and some wishful thinking) that the Land of Stories will end up on the big screen one day, so Ben and Andrew decided to make a book trailer to entice readers and future movie goers to read this book.  

     They are putting in many hours and lots of creativity using ChatterPix and iMovie to create their masterpiece.  We look forward to sharing it as soon as it ready for release.  Stay tuned!!!